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  • German real estate market overviewDatum17.09.2024 11:13
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemeines

    Germany is a social market economy with a large capital stock, highly skilled labor force, high level of innovation and low level of corruption. It is the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest nation in the world in terms of nominal GDP. In addition to the intelligent economy and productive market structure, Germany also offers investment opportunities in its real estate segment.

    What impacts the German real estate market?
    Real estate market’s volatility can be explained by numerous macroeconomic as well as social factors of the country. Due to the European Central Bank’s policy of zero interest rate, mortgage interest rates remain record low providing historically favorable financing conditions. Furthermore, quantitative easing (QE) pursued by the ECB leads to higher liquidity increasing the investment pressure as investors are looking for potential investment opportunities with an above-average return in relatively safe sectors. QE also weakens the Euro making the German real estate market even more attractive to investors coming from outside of the Eurozone.

    New projects and construction activity notably lags behind the growing demand leading to growing real estate prices. The German Property Index (GPI) which follows the return of all real estate investments in Germany reached 14.7% in 2016 which is a record level since German reunification. The demand for high-quality properties is increasing due to the demographic and macroeconomic trends in Germany – still ongoing urbanization and growing conurbation. Germany is experiencing a positive reversal in birth rates and other demographic factors. For example, the birth rate increased from 1.39 to 1.50 per woman from 2011 to 2015. In addition, Germany is experiencing a continuing migration surplus which manages to partly compensate the demographic imbalance.

    Similarly, also commercial property, especially office spaces, experience a great demand due to record employment levels and low unemployment rates in addition to benefiting from the growing purchasing power and high propensity to consume. Logistics and storage properties are crucial to growing businesses and therefore in high demand due to the increasing numbers of wholesale and retail trade. Below is an overview from the main sectors of the German real estate market.

    Residential Properties
    The residential property market has managed to recover from the financial crisis and the market stagnation in the years after 2009. The construction projects of residential properties have increased steadily in the previous years leading to approximately 277,000 completed housing units in 2016. In 2015, residential property construction with a total investment of 170 billion EUR accounted for 60% of the total construction volume in Germany. Despite a meaningful increase in the granted construction permits (375,400 granted permits in 2016) and record high levels of completed projects, the demand still significantly surpasses the volume of completed residential projects.

    Future outlook expects an increase in new construction permit requests and reaching 272,000 units per year till 2020 and further slowing down to 230,000 units per year until 2030. Meanwhile, in the short term, the residential property could surge to 380,000 units due to increased immigration.

    However, the demand levels for residential properties significantly differ from region to region. In some regions, the gap between the demand and available properties could close soon, particularly in Eastern Germany. Meanwhile, in some regions, particularly in thriving urban areas, the available housing units will remain very scarce.

    Along with the insufficient supply, quoted rents have increased accordingly. Especially in large cities, the trend of growing rents has been rather dynamic. For example, the annual growth rate of housing rents in Germany has been around 1.7% since 2004. Meanwhile, rent increased by 3.9% and 3.5% annually in Berlin and Munich accordingly. Both cities experienced a 6% yearly growth in purchase prices in this real estate sector.

    Office Properties
    Similarly as residential properties, also office properties’ market is in a good and forward-looking shape mainly due to positive migration balance and historically low unemployment rates. In 2016, approximately 3.9 million square meters of office space was rented in the top 7 cities in Germany. This indicates a growth of 12% in comparison to the previous period. A particularly dynamic development was observed in Frankfurt, Cologne and Stuttgart with growth rates ranging between 25% and 48.4%. Meanwhile, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munich and Berlin have experienced a cool-down in floor-space turnover in comparison to previous years.

    The overall vacancy rate of office properties has decreased due to several factors: a dynamic demand, a slow expansion of floor space and high pre-letting rates. Across the top 7 cities mentioned above, the vacancy rate decreased by 0.7% points to 4.9%. In the top 7 real estate locations in Germany, the prime office rents range between 21 EUR/m2 and 37.50 EUR/m2 giving an attractive potential for investment return. This especially applies to Berlin, where rents have increased by more than 17% in comparison to 2015 reaching 28.7 EUR/m2. Currently, the highest office rents are in Frankfurt and Munich (37.50 EUR/m2 and 35 EUR/m2 accordingly).

    Local investors retain the dominant market position accounting for around 60% of the total transaction activity in office property market. Meanwhile, foreign investors account for approximately two fifths (or 20.9 billion EUR) of the transaction volume.

  • Annual financial statementDatum06.01.2023 08:58
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemeines

    prepare annual financial statements
    The preparation of financial statements can be both a simple and a complicated task. It all depends on the size of your business and the number of monthly transactions. There are degrees that require footnote information. On the other hand, there are financial statements that are presented without footnotes.

    The explanations can have different purposes. For example, your bank will usually be content to see some basic financial numbers to ensure your business is in a position to pay off debt. The financial statements or report are typically prepared by translating account audit balances into a set of templates appropriate to a particular country's accounting laws.

    Specific requirements for financial statements in different jurisdictions
    Today, most financial statements are prepared in full accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). However, you should always consider the specific requirements for the chosen jurisdiction. For example:

    The fiscal year. In the vast majority of countries (particularly EU member states) the financial year ends on December 31st. Other jurisdictions may have different approaches as the financial year may end in different periods depending on the company's registration date, e.g. B. (in Singapore, UK, Hong Kong and others);
    Deadlines for submitting annual reports. Depending on the jurisdiction, the timeframe for filing the annual report can vary from a few months to a year: 3 months in Bulgaria and Singapore; 4 months in Latvia, up to 12 months in Cyprus or up to 8 months in the UK;
    requirements for the exam. Note that some countries require each company to submit an audited report (Cyprus, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland). In other countries, companies can produce an audited report voluntarily or if they meet certain criteria (read more about audit).

  • The legal structure of your companyDatum14.12.2022 12:55
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Pokal

    Before starting a business or even choosing a jurisdiction, you need to plan a corporate structure for your business and based on that determine the purpose of the business you wish to start. It is important to understand the business structure of your company as this will determine the jurisdiction and type of company you choose to best meet your needs.

    As different legal entities are usually subject to different tax regulations, it is important to have a clear vision for your company, including the area of activity and the corporate structure. Choosing the right legal form for your business is crucial for tax planning purposes; Otherwise you risk additional costs that could easily have been avoided. Also, some types of companies are bound by certain restrictions on accepting new business partners or third-party investors, which can pose a problem if you plan to work with invested capital. One of the most important aspects is the liability of the owners: different legal entities have different levels and mechanisms of liability for the business owner in relation to the company's relationships with third parties. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, we strongly advise you to think twice before choosing a legal form.

    A company’s legal structure refers to its internal composition and its management and supervisory bodies as well as the liability of the owners in relation to third parties. On this basis, we can offer you the following legal company structures:

    Limited liability company (LLC)
    Joint-stock company (JSC)
    Limited partnership (LP)
    Limited liability partnership (LLP)
    General partnership (GP)
    Branch office
    Representative office
    Confidus Solutions can provide you with in-depth legal consultation regarding business and tax planning strategies, as well as advising on a suitable legal structure for your company. As each type of entity has its own benefits and disadvantages, we strongly recommend that you contact us before proceeding with the company formation procedure.

  • Demographics of FinlandDatum10.09.2022 11:22
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    The total population of Finland is 5,542,517 people. The people of Finland speak the Swedish and Finnish languages. The linguistic diversity of Finland is vaguely diverse according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.1412 for Finland. The average age is around 43.2 years. Life expectancy in Finland is 81 years. The female fertility rate in Finland is 1.7. About 23% of the Finnish population is obese. Ethnic diversity is nearly uniform according to a fractionation scale, which for Finland is 0.1315. Details of the language, religion, age, gender distribution and advancement of the people of Finland can be found in the sections below, as well as the section on education in the country.

    In Finland, the population density is 16.2 people per square kilometer (42 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered sparsely populated. The total population of Finland is 5,542,517 people. Finland has approximately 315,881 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Finland account for 0.2 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Finland account for 5.4 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. The ethnic diversity of Finland is almost uniform according to a fractionation scale based on ethnicity. Ethnic Fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socioeconomic distribution, and geographic location of diverse cultural groups, usually within a state or some other demarcated area. Specific cultural characteristics can refer to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history, or other distinctive criteria, alone or in combination. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and power monopolization. Index of ethnic fractionation in Finland is 0.1315. This means that the people living in Finland come from a narrow group of ethnic groups that are all related to each other. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethnolinguistic group proportions, which reflects the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Read Finland's median age and gender distribution statistics at different ages below.

    The average age is around 43.2 years. The average age for men is 41.2 and the average age for women is 45.

    The sex ratio, or the number of males for each female (estimated at birth), is 1.04. It can be further broken down into the following categories: sex ratio below 15 - 1.04; sex ratio from 15 to 64 - 1.02; sex ratio over 64 - 0.69; Overall sex ratio - 0.96. The overall sex ratio differs from the sex ratio estimated at birth. This is because some newborns are included in the sex ratio estimated at birth, but die within the first few weeks of life and are not included in the overall sex ratio.

    The majority religion in Finland is Christianity, whose adherents make up 81.6% of all religious believers in the country. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2.4 billion followers known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind, whose coming as Christ or Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. Besides Christianity, there are several other religions in the country. Other religions in Finland are Islam, Hinduism, folk religions. Finland's religious diversity is diverse according to a fractionation scale based on the number of religions in Finland. The index of religious fractionation in Finland is 0.2531. This score means that within the country there is one major religion and several other minor beliefs.

  • Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemeines

    Central African Republic's logistics performance index is 2.36. It indicates mediocre performance - transit procedures are relatively unreliable, punctuality and safety of transported goods are often an issue, although such a system can work relatively well when traffic is not too heavy.

    Inch performance is rated at 2.47. This indicates mediocre performance - although somewhat ineffective, clearing processes do not unduly deter international business activity, occasionally fees and/or required documents can be unpredictable, long clearing times can also be an issue.

    The quality of the infrastructure in the Central African Republic is rated at 2.5. It indicates a satisfactory quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are capable of handling significant traffic at any time, and are also suitable for various types of transport vehicles and ships.

    International broadcast quality is 2.16. It indicates a mediocre performance - the services provided are reasonably attractive to foreign customers, and the price is right up there with the quality, which is still not very competitive.

    The competence of logistics service providers is rated at 2.31. The providers are of mediocre competence - they can ensure a certain quality of their services, sometimes even outstanding, although their overall performance can still be deficient in many aspects.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated at 2.31. It indicates mediocre performance - the tracking systems provide some information, which usually includes the most necessary subjects, such as the current location of a shipment, the arrival and departure dates and the status of a shipment; however, there is usually a lack of more detailed information on the status and multilingual accessibility options.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated at 2.47. It indicates a so-so performance - most shipments arrive either towards the end of the scheduled timeframes or with delays.

    In the Central African Republic, 10.8% of the population has access to electricity. The Central African Republic has 39 airports nationwide. There are 20 internet hosts in Central African Republic. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Central African Republic is 6.

    Road network
    The total road length in Central African Republic is 20,278 km (12,603 ​​miles). Of these, 0 km (0 miles) of roads are classified as freeways, dual carriageways, or freeways.

    Gas price
    On average, a liter of petrol costs USD 1.69 in the Central African Republic. A liter of diesel would cost $1.3.

  • Demographics of SwitzerlandDatum07.02.2022 12:31
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    The total population of Switzerland is 8,544,034 people. People in Switzerland speak German, French, Italian and Romansh. The linguistic diversity of Switzerland is quite diverse according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.5441 for Switzerland. The average age is around 42 years. Life expectancy in Switzerland is 83 years. The female birth rate in Switzerland is 1.5. Around 18% of the Swiss population is obese. Ethnic diversity is quite diverse according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.5314 for Switzerland. Details of the language, religion, age, gender distribution and advancement of the people of Switzerland can be found in the sections below, as well as the section on education in the country.


    In Switzerland, the population density is 198 people per square kilometer (515 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered densely populated. The total population of Switzerland is 8,544,034 people. Switzerland has approximately 2,438,702 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Switzerland account for 1 percent of all immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Switzerland make up 28.9 percent of all immigrants worldwide. According to a fractional scale according to ethnicity, the ethnic diversity of Switzerland is quite diverse. Ethnic Fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socioeconomic distribution, and geographic location of diverse cultural groups, usually within a state or some other demarcated area. Specific cultural characteristics can refer to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history, or other distinctive criteria, alone or in combination. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and power monopolization. The index of ethnic fractionation in Switzerland is 0.5314. This means that there is a relatively high number of unique ethnic groups in Switzerland. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethnolinguistic group proportions, which reflects the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Below you will find Swiss statistics on the median age and gender distribution in different age groups.


    The median age is approximately 42 years. The median age for men is 41, while the median age for women is 42.9.


    The sex ratio, or the number of males for each female (estimated at birth), is 1.05. It can be further divided into the following categories: sex ratio under 15 - 1.08; sex ratio from 15 to 64 - 1.02; sex ratio over 64 - 0.71; total sex ratio - 0.97. Total sex ratio is different from sex ratio estimated at birth. This is due to the fact that some newborns are considered in the sex ratio estimated at birth but pass away within the first weeks of their life and are not included in the total sex ratio.


    The majority religion of Switzerland is Christianity, the followers of which comprise 81.3% of all religious believers in the country. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion adherents, known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity whose coming as Christ or the Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. The religious diversity of Switzerland is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale based on the number of religions in Switzerland. The index of religious fractionalization in Switzerland is 0.6083. This score means that there are several major religions distributed evenly within Switzerland.

    General development

    Switzerland is considered to be a developed nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developed nation, Switzerland is able to provide its citizens with social services like public education, healthcare, and law enforcement. Citizens of developed nations enjoy a high standard of living and longer life expectancies than citizens of developing nations. In Switzerland, 85.2 in every 100 people use internet. Switzerland has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.917. Switzerland has a very high HDI score. This indicates that nearly all citizens are able to attain a desirable life because of social and economic support; citizens with a low standard of living receive aid and support and have the opportunity to advance in society. The migration rate in Switzerland is 4.74%. In Switzerland, 7.6% of the population lives below the poverty line. The percentage of citizens living below the poverty line in Switzerland is low, indicating that it has a stable economy. Investors should consider Switzerland to be a safe location for investments and other financial ventures.


    People in Switzerland speak the German, French, Italian, and Romansh languages. The linguistic diversity of Switzerland is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale based on the number of unrelated languages spoken in Switzerland. The index of linguistic fractionalization in Switzerland is 0.5441. This means that there are several major languages spoken in Switzerland. Unrelated languages share few characteristics of grammatical structure, vocabulary, and etymological heritage. Linguistic diversity often results in issues of social and cultural fractionalization that can impact a country’s political circumstance and public policies.

  • Corporate documentsDatum27.01.2022 11:27
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemeines

    Corporate documents also known as legal documents, are a series of specific documents in which all the necessary facts about the company are written. These documents are known as the face of the company as they are the source of official information about the company. Every time a company is founded or changed, documents with facts about the company or the facts about changes to the company must be submitted to the commercial register. The register will amend the information in the commercial register and add the submitted documents to the company's files so that any person is empowered to obtain the official facts about the company.

    There are different types of corporate documents, each with different information. The most important documents are known as founding documents, such as B. the deed of incorporation and the articles of association.

    Every document has strict requirements and a specific form. A signature in some documents must be notarized in order to be binding. These documents are usually prepared by lawyers or law firms specializing in commercial law. It is important to remember that the status and requirements of legal documents vary by jurisdiction. In addition, the names of the documents may vary in different countries.

    Corporate documents required for company incorporation
    To form a company, two basic founding documents are necessary:

    Memorandum of association
    It contains the fundamental conditions upon which the company is allowed to operate. The document consists of information like firm of the company, data on the founders, information about the equity capital of the company, admissible amount of the foundation expenses and their payment order, etc.;
    Articles of association
    It generally defines the responsibilities of the board, the type of business to be executed, and means by which the owners exert control over the board of directors. Upon consent of the founders the Articles of association may include specific provisions regarding decision making, restrictions of the board, competence of the council, other specific conditions regarding the process of shares transfer.
    Other secondary documents may be demanded. These are as follows:

    An application of the local commercial registry – every state has its own form that must be submitted for any changes to take place;
    Declaration of each board member / Consent of board member; List of shareholders / A division of the register of shareholders (for limited liability company);
    Declaration of company address / Announcement of an office address;
    Bank notice on the payment of the equity capital;
    Receipt for payment of the state fee;
    In order to read more about the company incorporation procedure, click here.

    Corporate documents required for change of shareholders
    This type of change is very common for limited liability companies, because it is a closed company, meaning that shares are not subject of public trade. Generally, the following documents must be submitted to the local commercial registry in case of changes of shareholders:

    An application form;
    Updated shareholder registry;
    A proof of shares transfer, for example, a Shares purchase agreement.
    In the shareholder registry, it is usually required to include company's total number of shares, the total value of shares and – the quantity of shares that has been paid.

    Corporate documents required for change of director
    To change a director, generally the following documents must be submitted to the local commercial registry:

    An application form;
    Protocol or extract of the minutes of the meeting of shareholders – in this document the relevant decision must be included;
    Written acceptance of the appointed director;
    In some states, the required document amount is minimized. In addition, keep in mind that the list and names of the documents required may vary from country to country.

  • Economy of ChinaDatum05.01.2022 17:49
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    China is considered a developing country. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developing country, China may not be able to provide consistent social services to its citizens. These social services can include things like public education, reliable health care, and law enforcement. Developing country citizens may have a lower life expectancy than developed country citizens. Each year China exports around $ 2.210 billion and imports about $ 1950 billion. 4.7% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in China is 66,507,159. In China, 2% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of citizens living below the poverty line in China is low, which suggests a stable economy. Investors should view China as a safe place for investment and other financial companies. Government spending on education is 4.3% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 46.9. China is experiencing poor equality. The gap between the richest and poorest citizens of this country is palpable. China has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.719. China has an upper middle HDI value. This suggests that the majority of citizens will be able to live desirable lives, although some citizens will not be able to achieve a high standard of living. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for China is 2.267. The strength of the legal rights index for China is 4. Overall, it is viewed as rather inadequate - bankruptcy and security laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient, but hardly available, or, conversely, it may be available but not sufficient.

    The currency in China is the Chinese yuan. The Chinese yuan is the base unit of a number of Chinese currencies, including the renminbi, the currency of the People's Republic of China. For exchange rates with international currencies such as the US dollar and the euro, the value of the renminbi is taken into account. The plural form of the word Chinese yuan is yuan. The symbol used for this currency is ¥ and is abbreviated as CNY. The Chinese yuan is divided into fen; There are 100 in a yuan.

    Credit rating
    The depth of credit information index for China is 6, which means that information is mostly sufficient and quite detailed; accessibility is not a problem. According to the S&P credit-rating agency, China has a credit rating score of AA-, and the prospects of this rating are stable. According to the Fitch credit-rating agency, China has a credit rating score of A+, and the prospects of this rating are stable. According to the Moody's credit-rating agency, China has a credit rating score of Aa3, and the prospects of this rating are stable.

    Central bank
    The prime lending rate of China's commercial banks is 6. In China, the institution that manages the state's currency, money supply, and interest rates is called People's Bank of China. Locally, the central bank of China is called 中国人民銀行. The average deposit interest rate offered by local banks in China is 2.8%.

    Public debt
    China has a government debt of 24.8% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2012.

    Tax information
    The corporate tax in China is set at 25%. Personal income tax ranges from 5% to 45%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in China is 17%.

    The total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) assessed as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in China is $18088054 billion. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) assessed as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) per capita in China was last recorded at $13 million. PPP in China is considered to be below average when compared to other countries. Below average PPP indicates that citizens in this country find it difficult to purchase local goods. Local goods can include food, shelter, clothing, health care, personal care, essential furnishings, transportation and communication, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with below average PPP are dangerous locations for investments. The total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in China is 9,181,204 billion. Based on this statistic, China is considered to have a large economy. Countries with large economies support a wide variety of industries and businesses, providing ample opportunities for investment. Large economies support a substantial financial sector, making it easy to organize investments and financial transactions. It should be very easy to find good opportunities for investment in China. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in China was last recorded at $6 million. The average citizen in China has very low wealth. Countries with very low wealth per capita often have lower life expectancies and dramatically lower quality of living among citizens. It can be very difficult to find highly skilled workers in countries with very low wealth, as it is difficult for citizens to obtain the requisite education needed for specialized industries. However, labor can be found for very low rates when compared with countries with higher wealth per capita. GDP Annual Growth Rate in China averaged 7.4% in 2014.

  • Economy of BelizeDatum16.10.2021 11:42
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    Belize is considered a developing country. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developing country, Belize may not be able to provide consistent social services to its citizens. These social services can include things like public education, reliable health care, and law enforcement. Developing country citizens may have a lower life expectancy than developed country citizens. Belize exports about $ 0.63 billion and imports about $ 0.86 billion each year. 7.6% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in Belize is 29,066. In Belize, 41% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of citizens living below the poverty line in Belize is very high compared to other nations. This situation points to a variety of alarming economic and political factors. It is not advisable to invest in countries with this level of poverty. Government spending on education is 5.7% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 53.1. Belize experiences inequality. The gap between the richest and poorest citizens of this country is wide and obvious, resulting in drastically different standards of living for rich and poor citizens. Belize has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.732. Belize has an upper mid-range HDI. This suggests that the majority of citizens will be able to live desirable lives, although some citizens will not be able to achieve a high standard of living. The strength of the Legal Rights Index for Belize is 4. Overall, it is viewed as rather inadequate - bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient, but hardly available, or, conversely, it may be available but not sufficient.

    The currency of Belize is Belize dollar. The plural form of the word Belize dollar is dollars. The symbol used for this currency is $, and it is abbreviated as BZD. The Belize dollar is divided into Cent; there are 100 in one dollar.

    Credit rating
    According to the S&P credit-rating agency, Belize has a credit rating score of B-, and the prospects of this rating are negative. According to the Moody's credit-rating agency, Belize has a credit rating score of B3, and the prospects of this rating are stable.

    Central bank
    The prime lending rate of Belize's commercial banks is 12. In Belize, the institution that manages the state's currency, money supply, and interest rates is called Central Bank of Belize. The average deposit interest rate offered by local banks in Belize is 2.9%.

    Public debt
    Belize has a government debt of 110.% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2012.

    Tax information
    The corporate tax in Belize is set at 1.75%. Personal income tax ranges from 0% to 25%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Belize is 12.5%, and it is known as General Sales Tax.

    The total gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP), is $ 2,975 billion in Belize. Belize's gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, was last measured at $ 8 million. PPP in Belize is considered below average when compared to other countries. A below-average PPP indicates that citizens in this country are finding it difficult to buy local goods. Local goods can include groceries, shelter, clothing, health care, personal hygiene, essential home furnishings, transportation and communications, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with below average PPPs are dangerous places to invest. The total gross domestic product (GDP) in Belize is 1.624 billion. Based on these statistics, Belize is considered a small economy. Countries with small economies generally support fewer industries and investment opportunities. However, worthwhile investment opportunities can be found. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Belize was last measured at 4 million US dollars. The average Belize citizen has very little wealth. Countries with very low per capita wealth often have a lower life expectancy and a dramatically lower quality of life for their citizens. In countries with very low wealth, it can be very difficult to find a highly skilled workforce as it is difficult for citizens to get the education needed to specialize in industries. However, compared to countries with higher wealth per capita, workers can be found at very low prices. Belize's annual GDP growth rate averaged 2% in 2014. Accordingly, Belize is currently experiencing modest growth. Modest growth countries offer safe investment opportunities; their expanding economy suggests that businesses, jobs and incomes will grow accordingly.

  • Economy of BelizeDatum16.10.2021 11:38
    Foren-Beitrag von ConfidusSolutions im Thema Economy of Belize


  • Economy of BelizeDatum16.10.2021 11:37
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    Belize is considered a developing country. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developing country, Belize may not be able to provide consistent social services to its citizens. These social services can include things like public education, reliable health care, and law enforcement. Developing country citizens may have a lower life expectancy than developed country citizens. Belize exports about $ 0.63 billion and imports about $ 0.86 billion each year. 7.6% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in Belize is 29,066. In Belize, 41% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of citizens living below the poverty line in Belize is very high compared to other nations. This situation points to a variety of alarming economic and political factors. It is not advisable to invest in countries with this level of poverty. Government spending on education is 5.7% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 53.1. Belize experiences inequality. The gap between the richest and poorest citizens of this country is wide and obvious, resulting in drastically different standards of living for rich and poor citizens. Belize has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.732. Belize has an upper mid-range HDI. This suggests that the majority of citizens will be able to live desirable lives, although some citizens will not be able to achieve a high standard of living. The strength of the Legal Rights Index for Belize is 4. Overall, it is viewed as rather inadequate - bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient, but hardly available, or, conversely, it may be available but not sufficient.

    The currency of Belize is Belize dollar. The plural form of the word Belize dollar is dollars. The symbol used for this currency is $, and it is abbreviated as BZD. The Belize dollar is divided into Cent; there are 100 in one dollar.

    Credit rating
    According to the S&P credit-rating agency, Belize has a credit rating score of B-, and the prospects of this rating are negative. According to the Moody's credit-rating agency, Belize has a credit rating score of B3, and the prospects of this rating are stable.

    Central bank
    The prime lending rate of Belize's commercial banks is 12. In Belize, the institution that manages the state's currency, money supply, and interest rates is called Central Bank of Belize. The average deposit interest rate offered by local banks in Belize is 2.9%.

    Public debt
    Belize has a government debt of 110.% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2012.

    Tax information
    The corporate tax in Belize is set at 1.75%. Personal income tax ranges from 0% to 25%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Belize is 12.5%, and it is known as General Sales Tax.

    The total gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP), is $ 2,975 billion in Belize. Belize's gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, was last measured at $ 8 million. PPP in Belize is considered below average when compared to other countries. A below-average PPP indicates that citizens in this country are finding it difficult to buy local goods. Local goods can include groceries, shelter, clothing, health care, personal hygiene, essential home furnishings, transportation and communications, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with below average PPPs are dangerous places to invest. The total gross domestic product (GDP) in Belize is 1.624 billion. Based on these statistics, Belize is considered a small economy. Countries with small economies generally support fewer industries and investment opportunities. However, worthwhile investment opportunities can be found. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Belize was last measured at 4 million US dollars. The average Belize citizen has very little wealth. Countries with very low per capita wealth often have a lower life expectancy and a dramatically lower quality of life for their citizens. In countries with very low wealth, it can be very difficult to find a highly skilled workforce as it is difficult for citizens to get the education needed to specialize in industries. However, compared to countries with higher wealth per capita, workers can be found at very low prices. Belize's annual GDP growth rate averaged 2% in 2014. Accordingly, Belize is currently experiencing modest growth. Modest growth countries offer safe investment opportunities; their expanding economy suggests that businesses, jobs and incomes will grow accordingly.

  • Politics of AfghanistanDatum27.08.2021 16:18
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    In Afghanistan the type of government is a unified presidential republic. In Afghanistan the legislative power lies with a national assembly. Ashraf Ghani is the head of government. A country's government structure determines the manner in which laws are drawn up, approved, and interpreted. The type of government determines the manner in which elections are held and the country's police system for its citizens.
    The term of office of the head of state in Afghanistan lasts until 1st of 2019. The length of the term of office of a head of state has a direct impact on the power and influence of the executive branch. A longer term of office gives the head of state more powers. The term of office of the head of state in Afghanistan lasts until January 14, 2019. The length of a head of state's term of office has a direct impact on the power and influence of the executive branch. A longer term gives the head of state more powers. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Afghanistan is 3.427. The strength of the Legal Rights Index for Afghanistan is 9. Overall, it is considered to be quite strong - bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders quite well; Credit information is abundant and easily accessible. In 2013, Afghanistan received $ 6,725 million in development aid. In 2014, foreign aid was $ 6,884.7.

    In Afghanistan, the head of the government is Ashraf Ghani. The government system of Afghanistan is a Unitary presidential republic. In Afghanistan, the legislative power is vested in a National Assembly; this is a Bicameral legislative body, and therefore a Bicameral National Assembly. According to the World Bank Group, the government effectiveness index of Afghanistan is -1.34. This indicates that the government of Afghanistan is ineffective. Public and civil services are severely handicapped, leading to potential for social and political upheaval.

    Unions and alliances
    This section deals with a list of unions Afghanistan is a member of.

    Afghanistan is a member of the United Nations (UN). Afghanistan is a member of the International Monetery Fun (IMF). To read more about when Afghanistan became a member of these unions and what additional political unions and alliances Afghanistan.

    Freedom in Afghanistan
    With regard to political and civil freedoms, Afghanistan is 3. Citizens in Afghanistan experience little to no civil liberties and political rights. Citizens are not free to express themselves and do not enjoy political freedom or a representative government. Countries with this political situation are dangerous for investment, as an authoritarian government may have outsize control over economic matters.

  • Education of GermanyDatum08.07.2021 13:26
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    The adult literacy rate in Germany is 99%. Government spending on education is 4.5% of GDP. The education index in Germany is 0.884 - the formal level of education is high, the secondary level is standard for the majority of the population; Higher education is highly available and widespread due to the economic demand for graduates, and higher education is also becoming the standard option in many of these countries. The people in Germany speak the German language.

    English language
    In Germany, around 1% of the population or 51,584,000 people speak English. 272,504 of the German population call English their mother tongue. 51,311,496 of the German population use English as a foreign or second language.

    In Germany, the population density is 228 inhabitants per square kilometer (593 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered to be densely populated. The total population of Germany is 82,293,457 people. Germany has around 12,005,690 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Germany make up 4.3 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Germany make up 11.9 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. The ethnic diversity of Germany is almost uniform according to an ethnic faction scale. Ethnic fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socio-economic distribution, and geographic location of various cultural groups, usually in a state or otherwise demarcated territory. Specific cultural characteristics, alone or in combination, can relate to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history or other characteristic criteria. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and monopoly of power. The index of ethnic fractionation in Germany is 0.1682. This means that the people living in Germany belong to a close group of ethnic groups that are all related to one another. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethno-linguistic group proportions, which reproduces the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Below you will find statistics for Germany on the median age and the gender distribution in different age groups.

    The average age is about 46.1 years. The mean age of men is 45.1 years while the mean age of women is 47.2.

    The gender ratio or the number of men for each woman (estimated at birth) is 1.055. It can be further subdivided into the following categories: gender ratio below 15 - 1.05; Gender ratio from 15 to 64 - 1.04; Gender ratio over 64 - 0.72; Overall gender ratio - 0.97. The overall gender ratio differs from the gender ratio estimated at birth. This is because some newborns are included in the estimated gender ratio at birth, but die within the first few weeks of life and are not included in the overall gender ratio.

  • Education of GermanyDatum08.07.2021 13:26
    Foren-Beitrag von ConfidusSolutions im Thema Education of Germany

    The adult literacy rate in Germany is 99%. Government spending on education is 4.5% of GDP. The education index in Germany is 0.884 - the formal level of education is high, the secondary level is standard for the majority of the population; Higher education is highly available and widespread due to the economic demand for graduates, and higher education is also becoming the standard option in many of these countries. The people in Germany speak the German language.

    English language
    In Germany, around 1% of the population or 51,584,000 people speak English. 272,504 of the German population call English their mother tongue. 51,311,496 of the German population use English as a foreign or second language.

    In Germany, the population density is 228 inhabitants per square kilometer (593 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered to be densely populated. The total population of Germany is 82,293,457 people. Germany has around 12,005,690 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Germany make up 4.3 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Germany make up 11.9 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. The ethnic diversity of Germany is almost uniform according to an ethnic faction scale. Ethnic fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socio-economic distribution, and geographic location of various cultural groups, usually in a state or otherwise demarcated territory. Specific cultural characteristics, alone or in combination, can relate to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history or other characteristic criteria. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and monopoly of power. The index of ethnic fractionation in Germany is 0.1682. This means that the people living in Germany belong to a close group of ethnic groups that are all related to one another. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethno-linguistic group proportions, which reproduces the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Below you will find statistics for Germany on the median age and the gender distribution in different age groups.

    The average age is about 46.1 years. The mean age of men is 45.1 years while the mean age of women is 47.2.

    The gender ratio or the number of men for each woman (estimated at birth) is 1.055. It can be further subdivided into the following categories: gender ratio below 15 - 1.05; Gender ratio from 15 to 64 - 1.04; Gender ratio over 64 - 0.72; Overall gender ratio - 0.97. The overall gender ratio differs from the gender ratio estimated at birth. This is because some newborns are included in the estimated gender ratio at birth, but die within the first few weeks of life and are not included in the overall gender ratio.

  • Economy of GermanyDatum21.05.2021 13:37
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Off Topic

    Germany is considered a developed nation. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including but not limited to economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As an industrialized nation, Germany is able to offer its citizens social services such as public education, health care and law enforcement. Citizens of developed countries enjoy a high standard of living and a longer life expectancy than citizens of developing countries. Germany exports around $ 1,493 billion and imports around $ 1,233 billion each year. 3.6% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in Germany is 2,962,564. In Germany, 17% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of citizens living below the poverty line in Germany is relatively high, but does not give rise to complete concern about investments. Potential financiers should consider other economic characteristics such as GDP, rate of urbanization, and currency strength before making any investment decisions. Government spending on education is 4.5% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 27. Germany has a high level of equality. Income differences between citizens are only marginally significant. Germany has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.911. Germany has a very high HDI value. This shows that almost all citizens are able to lead a desirable life thanks to social and economic support. Citizens with a low standard of living receive help and support and have the opportunity to develop in society. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Germany is 1.379. Due to the strong presence of the law enforcement authorities and the high level of social responsibility, Germany is very safe by international standards. The strength of the legal rights index for Germany is 6. Overall, it is considered appropriate - the law on bankruptcy and collateral can at least adequately protect the rights of borrowers and lenders. Credit information is perfectly adequate and widely available.

    The currency of Germany is euro. There are several plural forms of the name 'euro'. These are euro, euros. The symbol used for this currency is €, and it is abbreviated as EUR. The euro is divided into Cent; there are 100 in one euro.

    Credit rating
    The depth of credit information index for Germany is 8, which means that information is mostly sufficient and quite detailed; accessibility is not a problem. According to the S&P credit-rating agency, Germany has a credit rating score of AAA, and the prospects of this rating are stable. According to the Fitch credit-rating agency, Germany has a credit rating score of AAA, and the prospects of this rating are stable. According to the Moody's credit-rating agency, Germany has a credit rating score of Aaa, and the prospects of this rating are stable.

    Central bank
    In Germany, the institution that manages the state's currency, money supply, and interest rates is called German Federal Bank. Locally, the central bank of Germany is called Deutsche Bundesbank. The average deposit interest rate offered by local banks in Germany is 2.65%.

    Public debt
    Germany has a government debt of 26% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2013.

    Tax information
    The corporate tax in Germany is set at 30%. Personal income tax ranges from 14% to 45%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Germany is 19%.

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